Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A sign

I know this is silly, but today I was doing my dishes and when I was rinsing out the sink this smily face was in the sink and I've decided it is a sign that it's going to be a good day. So I'm passing it on to you. Have a great day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The One and Only

Kadens one and only Frog. This little stuffed frog is Kaden's new favorite thing. He takes it every where we go. It's a bag or a basket or something April says we should call it a brog because it's a frog and a bag. Anyway it has a little strap on it so he hooks it on his arm and away he goes, as you can see in the pictures. Last night I was trying to get him to bed and he didn't want to get his p.j.s on he just wanted his frog. It sleeps with him in bed, it eats with him, it goes all over town with us, last week we even took it to church. Seeing him and that frog hung over his elbow, I can't help but smile and laugh. We Love ya Kaders.
